Boss Perspective is a retro-style fighting game made for the  GMTK23 game jam.  You play as "Ehthros", the boss of this game, with the aim of making the player rage-quit.


Press A and D to move.

Press W to jump.

Press F to dash.

Press Space to go invisible.

Press LMB and wait 3 seconds to use a projectile.


If you kill the player there is a chance that they will choose to quit. If they do, then you win.

However, if they decide to continue, the fight will recommence from the begining.

The bar on the top of the screen indicates your HP (health points).

The bar bellow your HP bar indicates your stamina.

The bar on the botton of the screen indicates the player's HP

Lunging requires 1 SP (stamina point) and you can continue to press "F" two more times, allowing you to carry out a combo increasing your damage output per hit. The invisibility ability requires 2 SP granting a temporary increase in speed whilst making you invincible. Moreover, it causes the player to stop attacking and to move around frantically, trying to avoid you. Deploying a projectile requires 3 SP. When deploying this attack stamina does not get replenished.

The player has 3 items in their inventory and when their health is equal or bellow 50 HP they can choose to use one. From these items two heal 5 HP with the other one healing 7 HP.

If the player gets close enough to you they will carry out a melee attack.

Every time the player dies the chances of them rage-quiting increases.


Coding by me (Pythagorean)

Art by me (Pythagorean)

Music by John_ioannis

Jump sfx by John_ioannis

Other Sfx by me (Pythagorean)

Hope you'll have fun!


Boss Perspective Original release 7.3 MB

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